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Monday, March 7, 2011

History Fair Reflection

4 - The four most interesting things that you learned about your topic in your researching.
- D'Arcy McGee was an politician, journalist, poet and a Father of Confederation.
- D'Arcy McGee was the first Politician to be killed in Canada.
- Patrick Whelan was a Fenian and "hated everything and everyone"
- Patrick Whelan owns the same gun as the one who shot McGee trough the jaw.

3 - Three things that you felt proud of on the day of the Fair.
- My 3-D object (a gallow of Patrick Whelan execution).
- My information set up and the arrangement format.
- Getting three judges to come to my poster.

 2 - Two specific researching or presentation techniques that were helpful to make your project so wonderful.
- Newspaper articles, old texts and a Proclamation
- Layout and pictures.

1 - One suggestion to make the History Fair even better in the future.
- Make sure every student get judged.

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