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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Field Trip 3, 2, 1

Hello Blogger's! As if you know when we (my class) returned from our field trip to the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec. I have to write a 3, 2, 1 assissngment, based on the field trip.

3 Specific things I enjoyed overall.

The 3 things I enjoyed overall would be, when our class was part of play, well actually more like an audience of the play, we learned a lot as our fur traders have to make a promises to a pledge and I also like how there was a horse exhibit that showed the history of horses from the smallest of species to the largest, and how we got to go to the archaeologist exhibit and that we were allowed to dig in the sand.

2 Important things I learned.

The stuff that I learned was in the fur trader exhibit was that the traders who set of sailing abandoned they're wives and that they're wives would  replace them with new husbands also that the fur traders would replace there wives with the first nations women.

1 Thing that I would've changed.

Would be more time at the museum, (because of the buses) it was really interesting and I would really want to explore more stuff and exhibits at the museum every thing there was really fascinating.

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