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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Assignment #16 - Eric Walters Response - "Part 2 - 1/2"

Part 2: 

Bullying is an issue by when I was younger when I came to Canada from the US, the first province I moved in was Quebec. So, I was new to French and so was my family, and of course I had to go to a French school and I was in grade 2.  Everything I had to learn was in French and to be honest I was really bad at it I didn't dislike the language but my pronunciation and that would be when my bullying started, everyone made fun of my "French accent" and how I counted in Math like I would count in English instead of French. Some people would let me be, but others wouldn't. The school I went to was actually bully central I would always see grade 8's, 7, 6 having fists fights, trash talks and all. Back then I did have friends but they didn't really get bullied because they would be happy to get in a fight if you mess with them but not for me I was just a nerd. It was pretty harsh back then but everything turned normal when teachers came like everything was undercover. And when I went to grade 3 that would be the time I moved to Ottawa.

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