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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Assignment #15 - Slam Poets Response

3 things that you are looking forward to learning, developing or using in your poetry.

  • Memorizing poems, using hand motions to help
  • Skills on writing a poem
  • Meaningful words

2 things that Greg or Beth Anne reinforced.

  • Music - poetry to a melody, Rap - poetry to a beat, Hip Hop - poetry to a rhythm
  • Poetry is expresses feelings

1 poem that you wrote yesterday.

(the poem we had to describe)


The wonderful twilight of beauty.
As of beauty and the beast.
The light of fire sparks.
Blue waves of ocean moves towards the sunset.
Broken ice flutters on the floor.
Rosebuds open, as the sunrise.
The rhythm of music expressed...

Well thats all I got so far for one of my poems. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

deep man..deep