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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Professor Scott's Tech Talk

What did you learn?
  • Most people lived in town not cities
  • Most people worked at home making food products, farm equipment
  • First full steam ship was built “The Accommodation” in Canada (1809)
  • The telegraph was the first way to communicate with people in other parts of Canada

Which technology are you interested in?
  • Morse code
  • Steam ships
  • Telegraph
 - How did it impact society?

  • Morse code - first machinery helped people communicate (lines, dots)
  • Steam ships - helped people travel longer on water (mostly up to 20 days)
  • Telegraph - allowed people to talk to each other in other parts of Canada  

What question do you have?

  1. Was the Morse code used for ships basically?
  2. What medicine did they have back then?

Tie in a big idea: Everything became cheaper, transportation is cheap  

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